

Baldax Triplex, or Balthasar Three Times Great, is the natural Son of the Horned God. Born of the earthly love between the Horned God and a mortal noblewoman.
The only living demigod on the face of the earth, Baldax Triplex has been designated by the Divine Powers as one of the Supreme Judges who in the Times of the Great Final Judgment they will determine which souls will go down to the Underworld and which will go to Eternal Bliss.

Baldax Triplex is also the High Notary of the Great Book of the Elected. The One who has the task of drawing up the names of the righteous in the list of the Elected and the names of the damned in the list of the outcasts. 

You too, like all of us, want your name to be on the list of Saved Souls.

To know how to have your name among the Elected Ones:

Contact Baldax Triplex by email or via the contact form on this web space.

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